Newgy Robo Pong 2040 Table Tennis Robot Machine Review
Newgy have five different robots in the range, Robo-Pong 540, 1040, 2040 and the Robo Pong 2050. You can have a look at our other Robo-Pong ping pong robot reviews by clicking on these links: robo-pong 540 review and robo-pong 1040 review.
Check out and understand the differences between the various robot models and assess which ping-pong robot is the right one for you.
It's important to have a look at the differences and then think about what level of progress you are making with your game, how much you want to practise and then make a decision based on where you are going to use the robot. I't might be your home, garage, community center or table tennis club.
We will eventually review all the Newgy ping-pong robots, but for now we will do a deep dive into:
How good is the Ping Pong Robot Newgy Robo-Pong 2040?
We will cover the pro's and con's of this machine and provide a completely independent review.
It's as good as a top player practising against you but with relentless focus, precision and control. Most humans make errors or mistakes when practising and that is what practising is all about. Learning to fall, getting back up onto your own two feet and playing the game again.
In order to improve your game and become a really competitive player, your strokes become critical and improving is all about repetition.
When playing with a robot you don't have human interaction and or someone else to practise with, but what you do get is to practise on your own with flexibility and control.
With the Newgy Robo Pong 2040 ping-pong machine you can change the speed of the ball, spin and position on the table. With this type of control and a full basket of balls, this repetition will turn you in to a semi-pro player in no time, allowing you to practise your shots over and over again until you become a table tennis master!
Helping you become a ping pong master!
What Do You Get With A Newgy Robo-Pong 2040?
- Ball Thrower
- Attachable Ball Net Catcher to any size table tennis table.
- Rubber Tips Packet
- Analogue Control machine
- Connector Cable
- Instruction manual to learn different techniques
- A DVD setup
- 48 Training Balls - 40mm
- 1 year warranty
Lets Look At The Robo Pong 2040 Features
The first thing to notice with the Robo-Pong 2040 is that it comes with analog controls and a built-in catch net system. The catch net sits on the edge of the table to catch the balls when you return the ball.
This is an excellent feature that Newgy robo-pong 2040 have provided. It means that you can play continuously without having to re-programme the robot or pick up the balls from the floor once it has completed all the throws. This sets it apart from the Robo-Pong 1040 as it has a basket and you are limited to the amount of table tennis balls in the basket.
This machine does not limit you to the amount of balls you have in a basket. It means you can keep on playing. A really nice feature, as the whole point is that you want to keep on playing non-stop without having breaks.
Storing the Newgy Robo Pong 2040
The Robo-Pong 2040 also comes with a ball thrower with oscillation which is standard across all the Robo-Pong robots. However, the 2040 model has more control and added features providing a wider range of shots, spins, throws and difference paces the ball can throw at you.
The analog controls featured here, are a step up from the Robo-Pong 1040 as it gives much more control. The ball throw speed, oscillaton and amount of variation can all be precisely controlled.
You can programme the analog controls for sidespin (both left and right), topspin, backsping and a combination of spins. This sets the newgy robo-pong 2040 apart from the other Newgy robots in their other ranges.
A good thing to note is that you can detatch the controls and place the control box on your side of the table! It's a really convenient feature when you want to change the ball speed, frequency or oscillation.
If you want to change the spin of the ball, all you need to do is rotate the head of the machine and it will give you a change in spin. You can also adjust the angle of the head to provide low and high serves. This is a really good feature which will improve your return of serve.
Return of serve is a massively important part of the game as it's the difference between winning or losing. If you become really good at returning complex serves it's a real advantage over your opponent.
The Newgy Robo-Pong 2040 caters for complex serves really well and understands a competitive players needs.
Oscillation is a lovely feature adding variations to the ball throw. The control box has 8 different oscillation options which allows you to improve your hand to eye co-ordination and reaction times.
This simulates a real game experience making the Newgy Robo-Pong 2040 a fantastic robot to own and have one in your home.
It takes about 5 mins to set up and it does not need any screwdrivers or tools to put together. All you need to do is plug it in, set up the net catcher and load the ping pong balls in the tray system.
The ball thrower can start throwing you the ping pong balls and you're all set!
If you are playing on a standard sized table tennis then the net ball-catcher will fit perfectly.
5 mins to setup and practise!
What's The Verdict?
This Newgy Robo-Pong 2040 is one of most advanced robot machines in the range and is not for complete beginners.
It's for players who already have some experience and want to advance in their game. It is easy to see why the Newgy Robo-Pong 2040 robot is an all round solid machine and a fantastic partner to have if you want to practise on your own.
The overall flexibility and control of this robot seems to be even better than playing against a real player.
The machine can be programmed to suit your needs and can throw up to 90 balls a minute. To me this seems great value for money and it is a solid piece of kit which will stand the test of time.
If you're getting the ping-pong bug and want to improve your strokes, foot-work and overall fitness, then the Robo-Pong 2040 robot is for you.
It comes with a 1 year warranty so if any part of the robot goes wrong Newgy will happily replace it.
Best Table Tennis Tables gives the Newgy Robo-Pong 2040 the thumbs up as a great ping pong robot to have giving you a compeitive advantage over your friends and family that you want to beat.
Chop Chop! Get hold of one of the best table tennis robots in our reviews, get smashing and start practising your strokes!